
We can’t wait to see you at an upcoming event!

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March Gathering Calendar
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New Speaker Series starting in January


We can’t wait to see you at an upcoming event!

Click below to view our full calendar.

New Speaker Series Starting in January
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January Calendar
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February Calendar
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New Speaker Series starting in January

Our Mission

The mission of A Little Compassion Inc. (ALC) is to build a safe, kind and inclusive community for all regardless of neurodiversity.

ALC positively impacts the lives of neurodiverse young adults with autism, intellectual/developmental disabilities, and related disorders by nurturing their unique skills, strengths, and preferences.

ALC takes the lead in providing authentic and enriching employment and social opportunities for neurodiverse young adults as well as offers support for their families. Through education and empowerment programming, ALC increases public awareness and acceptance to ensure that neurodiverse young adults are seen and valued.

Our Programs

Nest Employment and Internship Programs

Acceptance, Inclusion, & Outreach Program

Social Gatherings

Doggie Barks

Possibilities Boutique

The Nest Coffee House

Recent News

Keep in Touch

Our 6th Annual Lantern Illumination Celebration is on the horizon! Now In its 6th year, the celebration brings folks of all walks of life together to lift up people with disabilities in our midst.

This is one of our favorite times of the year. Everyone has an opportunity to decorate a lantern and while you are free to decorate your lantern in any way you wish, a suggested theme this year is “Things that bring me Joy!” Please join us as we bring together new and established members of our community together for a night you won’t soon forget!

At the end of the evening, we’ll place all the lanterns into our Illuminarium. Don’t miss this beautiful sight where all of our lights combine to shine more brightly and more beautifully than they could alone. Our hope is that the many lights that make up our community can glow together for all to enjoy.

Of course, we’ll also have other activities, food, and our 2nd Artists’ Showcase – featuring members of our artist community. Stop in to share your light, feed your spirit, and enjoy our wonderful community.

Keep in Touch

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